Wireless Terminals

A wireless terminal is defined as a type of battery-operated, WiFi-connected hardware that is used to process payments.
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Wireless Terminals

A wireless terminal is a type of credit card processing equipment that connects to the processor wirelessly. These machines are connected to: 

  • The business
  • The credit card processor
  • The issuing bank
  • The acquiring bank

Transactions are completed within just a few seconds and can take place anywhere there is an internet connection available. There is no need to connect the machine to a network or phone line. 

How do Businesses Use Wireless Terminals?

Having a wireless terminal is convenient for businesses. For example, they allow: 

  • Staff to process payments even if they are not in a brick and mortar location. 
  • Restaurants to process payments at outdoor tables. 
  • Retailers to change checkout locations in their stores. 

Some retail stores and grocery stores even offer wireless terminals for their customers to use while shopping. Customers simply ring up their own purchases while they shop and make their payments when they are finished. 

Are Wireless Terminals the Same as Mobile Card Readers?

While there are some similarities between wireless terminals and mobile card readers, there are also some differences. 

A mobile card reader requires the user to connect to an app or website to process payments. The card reader attaches to a phone or tablet. That is not the case with a wireless terminal, which has its own payment processing software installed. 

Wireless terminals can print receipts, whereas mobile payment processing does not have that capability. Alternatively, receipts are sent to the customer either via text message or email. 

How Much Does Payment Processing Cost with a Wireless Terminal? 

The cost of using a wireless terminal depends on your payment processor and the fees they charge. 

These transactions would be classified as card-present transactions, which typically lowers the cost of processing them. 

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