Merchant Account Reseller

A merchant account reseller is defined as a person or entity that makes a profit selling a merchant account from one credit card processor to another.
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Merchant Account Reseller

There is always a market for second-hand goods. While the operation may look slightly different in the world of credit card processing, it holds many similarities to selling a used car.

In the processing world, there are reasons to stay put and reasons to move on. Sometimes those reasons are dictated by the business holding the account and sometimes the company.

From the business side, those reasons could be as simple as being offered better rates or facing a shift in transactions that will improve business with a different processor.

A common cause for reselling is the movement of high risk accounts from one processor to another to help lower costs and penalties for the business.

The processing side can face similar dilemmas. Perhaps the business is too small to be worth the work or the processing company decides to sell off some of their clients.

For whatever reason, the selling and reselling of merchant accounts occur regularly.

When this happens, there are generally third parties involved. These parties work on commission. They can be individual brokers or companies working the deals.

A deal brokered by an individual salesperson tends to be smaller. They specialize in the movement of single businesses looking to increase their profitability.

Occasionally, an independent sales agent might bundle a few similar businesses together, but this is not the norm. Usually, an agent looks for what will individually provide the greatest benefit for their client.

Resellers make their money by finding the best fit for their merchant account clients. Like most other commission jobs, being a merchant account reseller requires time to build a brand.

In addition to finding a merchant the best possible processor, a reseller can often negotiate on behalf of their clients to ensure processing companies offer the best deal.

Knowing how the industry works and having connections with the credit card processors, a merchant account reseller can save both time and money for their clients.

While working with a reseller is not absolute when it comes to a business expanding their credit card acceptance, the knowledge and experience can make the difference in finding the right merchant account on the first try.

Merchant account resellers have established themselves in the industry and have proven that they can be a valuable part of the process.

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